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Four "Must-Haves" for New Years Eve

Jason Wetzler

There is no best way to celebrate New Year's Eve, but I do believe there is a wrong way.

Treating the last day of a calendar year that we will literally never see again (unless at some point the space-time continuum reverses itself) like any other day just seems a travesty to me. I understand some people still have to work so it seems mundane, and I can empathize with that as I type this newsletter. However, it isn't just any other day, it's NEW YEARS EVE!

If me type-shouting at you it doesn't get you excited, maybe you're missing some essential ingredients that make New Years Eve one of the most anticipated holidays of the year.

If you're tired of the same-old December 31st feeling and want to have head into the new year with an air of celebration and invigoration about you, you just need four things.

Something to Eat

If your planning on ordering Domino's this evening because it's easy, STOP IT. No shame on Domino's as they definitely serve a purpose, but it's time to up the ante. The easiest way to bring some life and excitement to your NYE party is to get some incredible food. It doesn't matter if you bake it, cook it, saute it, or buy it, having good food should be your first priority this evening.

Something to Wear

I've never been a big fashion guy, however, even I can't deny the power of a fresh fit. There is nothing like getting a shirt, dress, pair of shoes, or fancy pants that make you feel like a 10 and then rocking those at a party. No party to attend? Wear them around your house, show off in front of your cat, or just stand in front of the mirror and say to yourself, "Dang! I look good."

Something to Listen to

This should go without saying, but there is magic in music. If you're not feeling spirited enough to celebrate, turn some music on. Let the Spotify DJ bless you with some new tunes. Ask, "Alexa, can you give me something to dance to?" and two-step your way into the new year.

Someone to Celebrate With

I'm blessed to be married to my best friend, but I know that the Holidays can actually be a lonely time for some people. I also know that some people don't make an effort to escape that loneliness. While this is a harsh truth and does not apply to everyone, I know that it will hit home with some people. If you're struggling to find someone to ring in the new year with, look up local events in your hometown, go to a coffee shop and wish the barista a happy new year, or just ring your neighbors door and ask what they're doing. You never know, they could be looking for someone to celebrate with too.

There will always be people who will choose to speak about New Years Eve as "one day closer to going back to school or work," or "just another day," but it won't be you. This year, we'll grab some food, turn on the radio, put on our fancy pants, and chat it up with a stranger as the clock strikes midnight, because we know that we want to feel alive as we ring in 2025.


In Italy, people celebrate New Years Eve by tossing old furniture out of windows.


Make the best 20 song New Years Eve playlist and listen to it on repeat.


What do you want to be feeling when the clock strikes midnight and it becomes 2025?


"Ring out the old, ring in the new, Ring, happy bells, across the snow: The year is going, let him go; Ring out the false, ring in the true." - Alfred Lord Tennyson

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