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Develop A Side Ministry

Jason Wetzler

I have a neighbor named Bill that loves being in his yard. He also loves being in my yard, the yard next to his, and the yard across the street. And not just being in the yard, he'll loves doing yard work. It's not uncommon for me to be mowing my yard, look up, and find Bill meandering over for a bit of conversation. In that conversation it is guaranteed that Bill will lend advice on how to tackle a weed, a solution to eradicating bagworms, or offer a tool that he has in his garage that I may not have.

I've looked outside my office window on a workday to see Bill across the street at another neighbor's house on his hands and knees pulling weeds or helping plant a shrub. Bill loves to be in the yard, but he loves helping people more.

Bill's side ministry is yard work. Ministry is often used in a religious context, but ministering to someone simply means attending to their needs. The best thing about a side ministry is that it isn't required and is often done out of the kindness of one's heart.

We live in a world that loves to talk about side hustles and making sure that we're "grinding" each day, but how many of us have a side ministry?


Some countries use the title "Minister" in their governments, such as the "Minister of Agriculture."


Do something for someone this week that isn't required of you.


Would you rather have a neighborhood full of people with side hustles or a side ministries?


“Use your ministry to build people, not people to build your ministry.” - Jacquelyn K. Heasley

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